With the end of the school year comes a discussion in many households about what children should be doing during the summer. One of the things that many people don't realize is that summer camp isn't an outdated experience. In fact, summer camp still has many benefits for children, and it can be well worth the investment. Here's a look at a few of the benefits that your children will gain from attending summer camp this year.

Expands Their Horizons

Summer camps bring children access to a variety of different experiences and activities that they may not otherwise be able to participate in. These activities and experiences can help children to build strengths and skills that will benefit them for many years to come. Some children learn to swim or ride horses at camp while others learn to trust their own bodies on obstacle courses or develop muscle tone in archery practice. Summer camps are a great way to provide versatile, broad experiences and expand your child's horizons beyond the neighborhood recreational activities.

Broadens Their Social Skills

For most children, their social circles are consistent and are made up of the children in their neighborhood as well as age-level peers in their grade at school. This makes for some limited social encounters because everyone is on the same, or similar, level. When your child attends summer camp, he or she will also be exposed to other children beyond their existing social circle. You'll find that your child interacts with counselors, bunk supervisors, and children who may be a year or two younger or older than them. 

Fosters A Sense Of Independence

Some children spend a lot of time at home with their families and don't feel comfortable venturing out on their own to pursue interests beyond those within their own comfort zone. That's another benefit of summer camp. Children who attend summer camp are given an opportunity to find themselves in an environment where they are independent of their parents. This provides a sense of freedom and fosters a sense of self that can help children mature and find their footing as they transition from one developmental phase to another.

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should consider summer camp for your child. Talk with a local summer camp today for more information about the programs that are available, including day camp options as well as extended overnight programs.
